Phone: 310-725-3638
Email: 9-ANM-SoCalOAPM@faa.gov
SAN Noise Complaints
Phone: 619-400-2799
Email: airnoise@san.org
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority
Emails: awarren@san.org; trussell@san.org
Elected Officials
Senator Dianne Feinstein
880 Front St. Suite 4236
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone 619-231-9712.
Senator Barbara Boxer:
600 B. Street Suite 2240
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone 619-239-3884
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol Suite 1173
Sacremento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Rep. Scott Peters Office
Phone: 858-455-5550
Email: scott.peters@mail.house.gov
NEW! Rep. Scott Peters Comments on Draft SoCal Metroplex Environmental Assessment (PDF)
Kevin Faulconer
Email: Kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov
NEW! Letter from Mayor Kevin Faulconer (PDF)
City Council District 2: Lori Zapf
Email: Loriezapf@sandiego.gov
Join in on National opposition to FAA!! Visit NoFlyDay.org
Share the Studies:
Missed Approaches & Noise Complaints (PDF)
How will YOUR home be affected by the Proposed Flight Path changes? (Interactive Google Map)
The Impact of Airport Noise on Residential Real Estate (PDF)
Airplane Noise Affecting Real Estate Values (PDF)
Study – Possible Tax Revenue Loss to San Diego City if Property Values Decrease From Plane Noise (PDF)
Six Tips on How to Advocate Your NEXTGen Position in FAA’s Metroplex Redesign
FAA NextGen Complaints
Join the Facebook Group to stay in the loop.
Visit this website often. We will be adding much more information and talking points for letters.
Flight & Noise Tracking Tools:
Download the flightradar24 App to track new (and noisy) flights over your home. $3.99 for the full version.
San.org – WebTrak Plane Tracking Website (Flight Tracking & Noise Info)
If posting to your personal social media networks like Facebook or Twitter, please follow every post with #noplanenoise and #noflyday
Print your own Signs (Click for PDFS) out to display in your yard, car, dog, etc.